Strike Avoidance Wheel
This USAG handy guide for requirements once you have identified through plans and utility locates which cables and pipes are in your excavation area. Rotate the wheel to select the cable and pipe types at your work site and select the distance with which you are working and then follow the guidance before you proceed with work.
The template for this useful guide is available for download for you to get printed and distribute to your workers, always worth keeping a copy in the van as a reminder.
Note: This is for guidance only and is not a complete set of safe operating procedures. There are additional notes on the reverse of the wheel a user must familiarise themselves with before use.

Additional Notes for Use:
1. When excavating within 3m – contact shall be made with the Asset Owner/Representative responsible for the operation and maintenance of the asset in order to obtain their specific requirements to develop the Safe System of Work (SSoW), and where necessary arrange for their attendance on site.
2. Where HV cables above 11 kV are present – contact shall be made with the Asset Owner/Representative in order to obtain detailed drawings and agree the SSoW to be adopted. Mechanical excavators shall not be used within 3m of HV cables above 11 kV until consultation with the Asset Owner/Representative has taken place to obtain their specific requirements to develop a SSoW and recorded on a Permit to Work (PTW).
Distribution electrical networks: 33kV and under. Transmission electrical networks: Equal to or greater than 132Kv Where Distribution electrical networks: 33kV and under and Transmission electrical networks: Equal to or greater than 132Kv contact shall be made with the Asset owner/Representative in order to obtain their specific requirements to develop the SSoW and is to be recorded on a PTW.
3. Contact shall be made with the Asset owner/Representative in order to obtain their specific
requirements to develop the SSoW and is to be recorded on a PTW.
4. When excavating within 10m of pressure regulating equipment or gas storage facilities contact shall be made with the Asset Owner/Representative for the operation and maintenance of governing equipment to obtain their specific requirements to develop the SSoW and where necessary arrange for attendance/representatin on site and recorded on a PTW. Footnote: Mechanical tools include mechanically operated, hand-tools such as compressed-air and electrical “breakers”, “half-guns” etc. as well as larger plant. Wayleaves and easement distances may be greater – Contact asset owner.